

杰弗里·布朗 杰弗里·布朗 计算机科学 副教授 电子邮件: 杰弗里 电话: 414.443.8940



  • B.S., 视神经节l Engineering, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana (2003-2007)
  • Ph.D., 视神经节l Sciences, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona (2010-2016)
    Dissertation title: Exactly solvable light-matter interaction models for studying filamentation dynamics
  • 博士后研究岗位, 巴吞鲁日的路易斯安那州立大学, 路易斯安那州, 和体质中心, 巴黎综合理工学院, Palaiseau, 法国(2016 - 2019)


I began my career as an engineer designing and building laser systems. 在我的一个工作项目中, I was tasked with figuring out how a laser beam would propagate through a realistic atmosphere. I struggled to use the software tools that we had available since none of them were made to compute what we were interested in, 所以我决定编写一个新的内部软件工具. 在这个项目中, I fell in love with programming and developed a passion for creating software tools that assist others in solving difficult problems in their particular domains.

Wanting to learn more about computing in scientific domains, I left industry to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Arizona where I modeled and wrote code to simulate the quantum interactions that take place between intense laser pulses and the atoms and molecules of air. This work lead me to a postdoctoral reSearch position that was shared between 路易斯安那州 State University and 巴黎综合理工学院. During this time, my wife and I had the wonderful opportunity of living near Paris for three years. 我们学法语有很好的经验, 法国丰富的历史和文化, and were able to travel to many of the unique regions around the country.

In 2019, my family moved to the Milwaukee area to join the faculty at WLC. 在一所很小的学校, I have ample time to get to know my students and help them grow into competent computer scientists. I am a big proponent of project-based coursework in our curriculum. I think that students learn more and are more motivated if they take ownership of a project and are given opportunities to be creative. 

My goal as a professor is to hone the technical abilities of our students and aid them in discovering the same passion for computing that I enjoy.


  • CSC 131 -编程入门
  • CSC 231 – Object Oriented Design and Software Development
  • CSC 311 -数据结构
  • CSC 321 -计算机组织
  • CSC 340 -程序设计语言
  • CSC 375 -操作系统
  • CSC 410 -计算机图形学
  • CSC 471 -数据通信
  • CSC 485 -高级顶点经验


  • 程序设计语言的设计与实现: I am developing a programming language to assist non-expert programmers in performing numerical simulations. The goal of this project is to produce a language that has a familiar mathematical syntax for modeling quantities using ordinary and partial differential equations. The associated compiler translates this language into code that runs in parallel (for higher performance) on multicore CPUs, gpu, 分布式系统.
  • 计算激光-物质相互作用: I’ve developed and continue to maintain a software tool for simulating how laser pulses move in gaseous media. The results produced from this project have contributed to multiple peer-reviewed papers.

为了好玩, I also enjoy writing code for generating photorealistic computer graphics, procedural dungeon generation for a roguelike game that I will probably never finish, and assisting the 计算机科学 Club with any projects that interest them.


R. Piccoli J. 布朗,Y.-G. 宋,. 诺拉,我. Zanotto, M. B. Gaarde F. Legare,. Couarion J. C. 特拉弗斯、B. E. 施密特,R. 莫兰多蒂和L. Razzari. "Multimode Nonlinear 选择ics Yields Few-Cycle Visible Light", 选择ics in 2022 December Edition, 选择ics & 光子学新闻(2022)

R. Piccoli J. 布朗,Y.-G. 宋,. 诺拉,我. Zanotto, M. B. Gaarde F. Legare,. Couarion J. C. 特拉弗斯、B. E. 施密特,R. 莫兰多蒂和L. Razzari. "Intense few-cycle visible pulses directly generated via nonlinear fibre mode mixing", Nature Photonics 15 (12), 884-889 (2021)

X. 任,Y. 王,Z. 张,我. 韦尔奇,. 伯恩斯坦,M. 唐纳J. M. 布朗,米. Gaarde,. Couairon, M. Kolesik和P. Polynkin. “In-line Spectral Interferometry in Shortwave-Infrared Laser Filaments in Air”, 理论物理. 牧师. 列托语. 卷. 123年,国际空间站. 22, 223203 (2019)

D. 朗之万J. M. 布朗,梅特·B. Gaarde和Arnaud Couairon. “Determination of molecular contributions to the nonlinear refractive index of air for mid-infrared femtosecond laser pulse excitation”, 理论物理. 牧师. A 99, 063418 (2019)

J. M. 布朗. Couairon P. 波利金和M. B. Gaarde. “Analysis of the angular spectrum for ultrashort laser pulses”, JOSA B,卷. 第32期,第2页. A105-A111 (2019)

J. M. 布朗. 考伊隆和M. B. Gaarde. “Ab-initio calculations of the linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of N2, O2, 中红外激光脉冲中的空气, 理论物理. 牧师. A 97, 063421 (2018)

J. M. 布朗,P. 雅各布森,. 巴尔J. V. 莫尼和M. Kolesik, “On the convergence of quantum resonant-state expansion”, J. 的数学. 理论物理. 57, 032105 (2016)

J. M. 布朗,C. Shannor E. M. 赖特和M. Kolesik, “Carrier-wave shape effects in optical filamentation”, 选择ics 列托语ers 卷. 第40期,第5页. 859-862 (2016)

J. M. 布朗和M. Kolesik, “Properties of Stark resonant states in exactly solvable systems”, 数学物理进展卷. 2015,条款ID 125832 (2015)

A. 巴尔J. M. 布朗,E. M. 赖特和M. Kolesik, “Assessment of the metastable electronic state approach as a microscopically self-consistent description for the nonlinear response of atoms”, 选择. 列托语. 40, 4987-4990 (2015)

M. Kolesik J. M. 布朗. Teleki P. 雅各布森J. V. Moloney和E. M. 莱特, “Metastable electronic states and nonlinear response for high-intensity optical pulses”, 视神经节, 1, 323 (2015)

M. Kolesik J. M. 布朗,J. V. Moloney和D. Faccio, “History-dependent effects in subcycle-waveform strong-field ionization”, 理论物理. 牧师. ,卷. 90, No. 3, 033414 (2014)

M. Kolesik E. M. 赖特,J. 安德瑞森J. M. 布朗,维. R. 卡尔森和R. J. 琼斯, “Space-time resolved simulation of femtosecond nonlinear light-matter interactions using a holistic quantum atomic model: Applications to near-threshold harmonics”, 选择. 表达,卷. 第20期,第14页. 16113-16128 (2012)

J. M. 布朗,E. M. 赖特,J. V. 莫尼和M. Kolesik, “On the relative roles of higher-order nonlinearity and ionization in ultrafast light-matter interactions”, 选择. 列托语.,卷. 37岁的空间站. 10, pp. 1604-1606 (2012)

J. M. 布朗. Lotti,. Teleki和M. Kolesik, “Exactly solvable model for nonlinear light-matter interaction in an arbitrary time-dependent field”, 理论物理. 牧师. ,卷. 84, No. 063424 (2011)

B. 用香熏,E. Koperda J. M. 布朗,阿. P. Kocaoglu W. 高,R. S. 故选D. T. 米勒, “卷umetric retinal imaging with ultrahigh-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics using two broadband light sources”, 光学表达,卷. 第17期,第5页. 4095-4111 (2009)

B. 用香熏,W. 高,我. M. 布朗,年代. M. 琼斯,R. S. Jonnal, M. Mujat B. H. 公园,J. F. de Boer和D. T. 米勒, “Retinal imaging with polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics”, 光学表达,卷. 第17期,第24页. 21634-21651 (2009)


  • 计算机科学系系主任
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  • 射箭俱乐部的指导老师


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